At 3PM we invite you to the Maribor airport for the reception of Matevž Lenarčič upon return from the scientific route through Asia.
Matevž Lenarčič will be returning to the airport in Maribor tomorrow, on May 10. With this he will be concluding The GreenLight World Flight – Asia 2018 project. He will be landing at 3PM local time and everyone that wishes to greet and congratulate him is invited.
The accomplishment of Matevž Lenarčič is exceptional in many aspects. In addition to the first official flight of a small plane and landing of an ultralight plane in Chinese territory, the first scientific measurements of black carbon were made in some parts of the world, where nobody has ever made them before. The project attracted the attention of many individuals, experts and media. Great interest was shown by the countries that Matevž Lenarčič flew over on his way. Additionally, he promoted Slovenia at the largest aviation meeting in China, where he was welcomed as an honored guest.
The project is relevant due to the ever more visible consequences of climate change and the international community’s realization that it needs to face them at a global level. Matevž felt the changes in weather and sudden climate phenomena on his own skin while flying over Asia.
We wish to invite you to attend the greeting of Matevž in as big a group as possible, so you can be the first to hear about the interesting adventures and occurrences from the scientific journey over Asia.
The GLWF team
Matevž Lenarčič se jutri, 10. maja, vrača na mariborsko letališče. S tem se bo zaključil projekt GreenLight World Flight – Azija 2018. Na mariborskem letališču bo predvidoma pristal ob 15:00 po lokalnem času. Vabljeni vsi, ki ga želite pričakati in mu čestitati.
Podvig Matevža Lenarčiča je v številnih vidikih izjemen. Poleg prvega uradnega prileta majhnega letala in pristanka na ozemlju Kitajske z ultralahkim letalom, so bile opravljene prve znanstvene meritve črnega ogljika na delih sveta, kjer jih do sedaj še ni opravil nihče. Projekt je požel pozornost številnih posameznikov, medijev in strokovne javnosti. Veliko zanimanje so pokazale države, ki jih je Matevž Lenarčič preletel med potjo. Istočasno je promoviral državo Slovenijo na največjem letalskem mitingu na Kitajskem, kjer je bil sprejet kot častni gost.
Projekt je relevanten zaradi čedalje bolj vidnih posledic podnebnih sprememb in zavedanja mednarodne skupnosti, da se mora z njimi soočiti na globalni ravni. Spremembe vremena in nenavadne vremenske pojave je med letenjem po Aziji doživel na lastni koži.
Želimo vas povabiti v čim večjem številu, da se udeležite sprejema Matevža in da boste prvi slišali zanimive prigode in dogodke z znanstvene poti po Aziji.
Ekipa GLWF