After drama with the weather the third stage of the journey is completed.
Flying today was far from being pleasant and carefree. Immediately after taking off, the visibility decreased, as expected. In addition, it was like that through the whole flight.
Already halfway through the flight, there was an unpleasant noise at the frequency, where Matevž was accepting and emitting instructions of the flight control. Therefore, in the first part of the journey, he tried to identify the device that was causing this interference.
Additional problems arose later because of the extremely low visibility where he could not see anything in front. The instrument, which shows a reflection of electric charge in a storm cloud, showed him a very worrying situation when he was flying to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. He called us on the satellite phone to check with us what was the weather situation like ahead of him. We could see the development of weather but due to the bad weather data in this part of the world, there was no real idea from our side, where it is best to turn. We sent the information via SMS to a satellite phone, however, it was very ungrateful to help at that moment because we are aware that you can quickly make a bad situation even worse with inaccurate data.
Now Matevž is safe on the ground again, and we believe that he will take some time to relax and to gain new energy after an extremely exhausting flight. We expect tomorrow to take a day off and accumulate new powers before continuing towards Pakistan.
Današnja tretja etapa je bila vse drugo kot prijetna in brezskrbna. Že takoj po vzletu se je vidljivost pričakovano zmanjšala. Tako je bilo skozi celoten let.
Že na polovici poti se je pojavil neprijeten šum na frekvenci, kjer je oddajal in sprejemal navodila kontrole letenja. Zato je v prvem delu poti poizkusil identificirati napravo, ki je po našem povzročala motnje.
Dodatni problemi so se pojavili kasneje zaradi že omenjene slabe vidljivosti, ker ničesar ni videl pred seboj. Instrument, kateri kaže odboj električnega naboja v nevihtnem oblaku, pa je pred njim kazal zelo zaskrbljujoče stanje, ko je v Saudski Arabiji letel proti Riyadh. Poklical nas je po satelitskem telefonu, če lahko preverimo kaj se dogaja pred njim. Videli smo razvoj vremena, vendar zaradi slabših vremenskih podatkov v tem delu sveta, ni bilo prave ideje tudi z naše strani, kam je najbolje obrniti. Informacije smo pošiljali preko SMS na satelitski telefon, vendar je bilo zelo nehvaležno pomagati v tistem trenutku, ker se zavedamo, da lahko stanje hitro poslabšaš, če so podatki netočni.
Sedaj je varno na tleh in verjamemo, da si bo oddahnil po izjemno napornem letenju. Jutri pričakujemo, da bo vzel dan počitka in si nabral novih moči za nadaljevanje poti proti Pakistanu.