Aviation for Science

Third Stage - crossing Saudi Arabia

The new stage of GLWF ASIA 2018 starts at 3.30 UTC.

The new stage of GLWF ASIA 2018 starts at 3.30 UTC. On the way to United Arab Emirate Matevž needs to crossSaudi Arabia. From our previous experience, we know that flying here is extremely demanding. 

Due to desert sand, which is rising, the horizon “disappears” already at low altitudes. For this reason, the poor visibility makes flying here extremely difficult.   

In addition to that, we can expect very strong turbulence, which in deserts appears up until the altitude of 16000 feet. That means, it is almost impossible to use the autopilot, and Matevž will need to fly without the help of autopilot. This is not an easy task at all, with this bad visibility and reasons described above; it is a very demanding and exhausting task.

We can only hope for peaceful and favourable flight towards the airport Al Ain in the United Arab Emirate. The flight length is 2250 km and is expected to last about 10 hours.


Tretja etapa - prečkanje Saudske Arabije

Današna tretja etapa se bo začela ob 03:30 UTC. Na proti proti Združenim Arabskim Emiratom bo Matevž prečkal Saudsko Arabijo. Iz preteklih let imamo izkušnje, da je letenje v tem delu sveta zelo zahtevno. Letenje otežuje slaba vidljivost, ker horizont zaradi puščavskega peska, ki se dviga visoko, izgine že na nizkih višinah. Poleg slabe vidljivosti pričakuje tudi močne turbulence, ki se v puščavi pojavljajo vse do višine 16000 fitov. Zaradi močnih turbulenc je praktično nemogoče uporabljati avtopilota, zato bo moral večino časa leteti brez pomoči avtopilota, kar pri slabi vidljivosti človeka izjemno utrudi in izčrpa.

Matevžu želimo čim bolj miren in ugoden let proti letališču Al Ain v Združenih Arabskih Emiratih. Dolžina današnje poti je 2250 km in bo predvidoma trajala okoli 10 ur letenja.

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