Tomorrow at 00:00 UTC, at 2:00 AM Slovenian time, Matevž starts the longest stage in this year's mission.
Tomorrow at 00:00 UTC, at 2:00 AM Slovenian time, Matevž starts the longest stage in this year's mission. After the take-off in Pakistan, he will fly across India and land in the eastern part of Bangladesh.
The route is 2600 km long and the flight is expected to last 10 - 11 hours. Matevž and GLWF team have been monitoring weather conditions for the last two days. The first half of the stage looks fine and without complications. In the second half of the stage, somewhere in half of India, when we enter the Kolkata airspace, we expect a rather volatile weather with storms. At the moment, the weather at the destination is very bad, so we agreed on possible alternatives for landing. VGHS airport in Dhaka - Bangladesh is most likely if it is not possible to land in Chittagong.
Follow us, because this time again it will be very challenging and interesting. We invite you to comment on our FB site.
Jutri ob 00:00 UTC, kar je po slovenskem času 02:00 zjutraj, se Matevž odpravlja na najdaljšo etapo na letošnji misiji. Planirano je, da bo po vzletu iz Pakistana preletel celotno Indijo in pristal vzhodnem delu Bangladeša.
Etapa je dolga 2600 km, let pa bo predvidoma trajal 10 – 11 ur. Tako Matevž, kot ekipa GLWF, že dva dni spremljamo vremenske dogodke. Prva polovica etape izgleda dobro in brez posebnosti. V drugi polovici leta, nekje na polovici Indije, ko bo vstopil v zračni prostor Kolkate, pa pričakujemo precej nestanovitno vreme z nevihtami. Trenutno kaže vreme na destinaciji zelo slabo in smo se dogovorili za možne alternacije pristanka. Letališče VGHS v Daki (Bangladeš) je najbolj verjetno, če ne bo možno pristati v Chittagongu.
Sledite nam, ker bo tokrat ponovno zelo zahtevno in zanimivo. Vabimo vas, da komentirate na naši FB strani.