Tomorrow in the nighttime around 03:30 Slovene time (01:30 UTC) Matevž and Andrey are going to fly together towards Krasnoyarsk.
After a day off because of a very strong wind Matevž and Andrey took some rest. Tomorrow in the nighttime around 03:30 Slovene time, 01:30 UTC they are going to fly together towards Krasnoyarsk. Length of the stage is 1100 km and will last around 5 hours. The weather forecast for the destination is again unpredictable, tomorrow will from north-west direction to Krasnoyarsk come cold front. We believe the front is going to fall behind a little bit so Matevž and Andrey will land safely.
Po dnevu premora, zaradi izjemno močnega vetra, sta se Matevž in Andrey nekoliko spočila. Jutri ponoči ob 03:30 po slovenskem času oz. 01:30 UTC se bosta skupaj odpravila z letalom proti Krasnoyarsku. Dolžina jutrišnje etape je 1100 km in bo trajala dobrih 5 ur. Napoved vremena na destinaciji je ponovno nepredvidljiva, od severozahoda bo jutri Krasnoyarsk prešla hladna fronta. Verjamemo, da bo tudi jutri fronta nekoliko zaostajala in bosta varno pristala pred poslabšanjem vremena.