Aviation for Science

Stage 1 review

Maribor – Serbia – Bulgaria – Turkey (Nevsehir)

Central Balkans National Park (Bulgaria)
Towering over the Central Balkans National Park is Botev Peak (2,376 m), the highest peak of the Balkan Mountains, named after the poet and revolutionary Hristov Botev (1848– 876). However, Botev Peak is not the highest summit of the Balkan Peninsula – that record is held by the 2,925 m high Musala in the Rila mountain range, also in Bulgaria.

The Sea of Marmara (Turkey)
The Sea of Marmara is like a strait between the Aegean and the Black Seas. Although small, it has been the theatre of important battles throughout history. It was through the Dardanelles (also known as Hellespont), the strait connecting the Aegean with the Sea of Marmara, that the Persian army of King Xerxes stepped onto European soil in 480 B.C., and, in the opposite direction, Alexander the Great marched into Asia in 334 B.C. Bosphorus, a 30 km long waterway between the Aegean and the Black Seas, divides the European and Asian parts of Turkey. In the southern part of the country lies Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, historically known as Constantinople.

Lake Iznik
Iznik is a 32 km long and 10 km wide lake in the Province of Bursa. First mentioned as early as the times of the mythological Trojan War, it is today an important ornithological area and recreational centre.

Cappadocia is a high plateau and a historical region in the central Asia Minor, in the Province of Nevsehir. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Turkey, well known for its unique natural, geological and cultural attractions.

Maribor – Srbija – Bolgarija – Turčija (Nevsehir)

Nacionalni park Centralni Balkan (Bolgarija)
V nacionalnem parku Centralni Balkan je najvišja gora Balkanskega pogorja Botev Peak 2376 m. Gora je dobila ime po pesniku in revolucionarju Hristovu Botevu (1848 - 1876). Ni pa Botev Peak najvišji vrh Balkanskega polotoka. To je 2925 m visoka Musala v pogorju Rila, prav tako v Bolgariji.

Marmarsko morje (Turčija)
Marmarsko morje je kot preliv med Egejskim in Črnim morjem. Čeprav je majhno pa so se tu skozi zgodovino dogajale pomembne bitke. Zgodovinsko so poznane Dardanele (tudi Helespont) ( preliv med Egejskim in Marmarskim morjem). Preko Dardanel je perzijska vojska kralja Ksersesa l. 480 pr. n. št. stopila na evropska tla, v obratni smeri pa je l. 334 v Azijo vkorakal Aleksander Veliki.
Med Egejskim in Črnim morjem je Bospor, 30 km dolga ožina, ki deli evropski in azijski del Turčije. Na južnem delu leži Istanbul (Carigrad), največje in zgodovinsko izjemno pomembno mesto v Turčiji.

Jezero Iznik (Turčija)
Jezero Iznik je 32 km dolgo in 10 km široko jezero v provinci Bursa. Omenja se že v času mitološke trojanske vojne, danes pa je pomembno ornitološko območje in center za rekreacijo.

Kapadokija (Turčija)
Kapadokija je visoka planota in zgodovinska regija v osrednji Mali Aziji v provinci Nevsehir. Je ena izmed najbolj poznanih turških turističnih destinacij, ki privlači z edinstvenimi naravnimi, geološkimi in kulturnimi zanimivostmi.

Stage 1 review
Stage 1 review
Stage 1 review
Stage 1 review
  • General Eco partner
  • Green partner
  • Scientific partner