Aviation for Science

Stage 4 review

Oman – Persian Gulf – Hingol National Park

Oman is an Arab country on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It has very strategically important position on the mouth of the Persian Gulf. There is also the Strait of Hormuz where the borders was shared with Iran. Oman is an absolute monarchy, with the Sultan's word having the force of law. From 1970 the monarch is Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said, who has opened the country, embarked on economic reforms and follows a policy of modernisation and has developed the health and education. Besides the oil industry (25th largest reserves in the world), tourism in the last decade became the most important branch of economy. Oman has one of the most diverse environments in the Middle East with various tourist attractions.

Persian Gulf
The Persian Gulf is a bay of the Indian Ocean between Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. With the Indian Ocean is connected over the Strait of Hormuz and the Oman Bay. The other name of the bay is the Arabian Gulf or just the Bay. It is a strategically important oil reserved field. There are two thirds of oil reserves and one third of natural gas reserves in the world. In the bay, the river Shat el Arab, formed by the confluence of Euphrates and Tigris river, flows out. The entire Gulf area is geopolitical very hot spot as well the hot area for normal life. The study shows, that with the current rise of greenhouse gases, this area will become unsustainable for life. The combination of humidity and high temperature will prevent the normal functioning of the body.

Hingol National Park (Pakistan)
Hingol National Park, covers an area of 1,650 square kilometers and is the largest National Park in Pakistan. It was established in 1988. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful places to be found in Balochistan, containing the world famous Mud volcanoes, the breathtakingly beautiful Kund Malir Beach, rock formation Princess of Hope, natural sphinx and Temples of Hinglaj Mata. Hingol National Park is known to support at least 35 species of mammals, 65 species of amphibians and reptiles and 185 species of birds. The park forms an excellent habitat to wild Sindh Ibex, Baluchistan Urial and Chinkara Gazelle. Ibex is found in all steep mountain ranges and numerous in the Hinglaj and Rodani Kacho Mountain areas. The total population of inhabitants is estimated over 3000. Large areas of the park are covered with drift sand and can be classified as coastal semi desert. The park includes the estuary of the Hingol River which supports a significant diversity of bird and fish species.

Photo: Above the Oman Bay


Oman – Perzijski zaliv – Nacionalni park Hingol

Oman je arabska država na jugovzhodni obali Arabskega polotoka. Ima zelo pomemben strateški položaj na ustju Perzijskega zaliva, z Iranom pa si deli tudi njen najožji del, Hormuško ožino. Oman je absolutna monarhija, sultanova beseda pa ima moč zakona. Od leta 1970 je monarh Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said, ki je državo odprl, začel gospodarske reforme, jo moderniziral ter razvil javno zdravstvo in šolstvo. Poleg naftne industrije (25. največje rezerve na svetu), je turizem v zadnjem desetletju postal najpomembnejša gospodarska panoga. Oman ima eno od najbolj raznolikih pokrajin na Bližnjem vzhodu s številnimi turističnimi znamenitostmi.

Perzijski zaliv
Perzijski zaliv je zaliv Indijskega oceana med Iranom, Irakom, Saudovo Arabijo ter Kuvajtom. Z indijskim oceanom je povezan preko Hormuške ožine in Omanskim zalivom. Drugo ime zaliva je Arabski zaliv ali pa samo Zaliv. Gre za strateško izjemno pomembno naftno območje, saj se tu nahaja kar dve tretjini svetovnih zalog nafte in ena tretjina zalog zemeljskega plina. V zaliv se izliva reka Šat el Arab, ki nastane z zlitjem Evfrata in Tigrisa. Celotno območje Zaliva je vroće tako geopolitično kot dejansko, saj kot kaže študija, bo ob sedanjem naraščanju toplogrednih plinov, to območje postalo nevzdržno za življenje. Kombinacija vlažnosti in visoke temperature bo onemogočala normalno delovanje telesnih funkcij oz. odvajanja vročine.

Nacionalni park Hingol (Pakistan)
Nacionalni park Hingol je s površino 1650 kvadratnih kilometrov največji narodni park v Pakistanu. Ustanovljen je bil leta 1988. Park velja za eno najlepših območij v Belučistanu, saj si lahko ogledamo blatne vulkane, čudovito plažo Kund Malir, zanimive skalne formacije, naravno sfingo in templje Hinglaj Mata. Od bogatega živalskega sveta naletimo na najmanj 35 vrst sesalcev, 65 vrst dvoživk in plazilcev ter 185 vrst ptic. Park je dobil ime po reki Hingol, spada pa med polpuščavka območja. Skupno živi tu okoli 3000 prebivalcev.

Foto: Nad Omanskim zalivom

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