Aviation for Science

Stage 2 review

Anatolian Plateau - Cyprus – The Nile Delta - Hurghada (Egypt)

<p><strong>Photo: Troya</strong></p>

The Anatolian Plateau
The English place name Anatolia derives from the Greek word for ‘sunrise.’ The Anatolian Plateau, better known as Asia Minor, comprehends the Asian part of Turkey and represents the area of contact between Europe and Asia, a cradle of civilizations from prehistoric times. The artefacts excavated in Asia Minor date back to the Early Stone Age (Neolithic) and this is also the site of the famous Troy. Anatolia was, at different points in time, conquered by the Hittites, Persians, Celts, Armenians, Romans, Kurds, Byzantines, and Turks. The modern settlers are descendants of Turkish peoples, while in the southeast there is a large Kurdish community.

Due to a change in the route, the flight took place across the Mediterranean Sea, over Cyprus to Egypt. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and a popular tourist destination. The island, with a surface of just under a half of Slovenia, has a very turbulent history. It was inhabited as early as the Stone Age, after which it was conquered by the Mycenaeans, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Egyptians and Romans. For a period, it was also under the Turkish rule, and most recently under British administration, until 1960, when Cyprus gained its independence. Constant friction between the Greeks and the Turks escalated in 1974 into a violent division of the island into the southern Greek part and the northern Turkish part. Today, the Republic of Cyprus is a member of the European Union only with its southern part of the island, while the northern part is occupied by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a state only recognized by Turkey.

The Nile Delta
With its 4,715 km course, the Nile is considered the second longest river on the planet, right after the Amazon. Its basin covers about 10% of Africa, and the river has two sources: the Blue Nile originates in Ethiopia, the While Nile in Lake Victoria in Uganda, and the two streams meet in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum. The Nile, which drains into the Mediterranean, created a huge delta in its lower course, which stretches across no less than 240 km of the Mediterranean coast and has been the heart of the Egyptian civilization for millennia. Its centre is the city of Alexandria, named after Alexander the Great.

The city, developed from a small fishing village, is today the second most important holiday destination in Egypt. It lies on the Red Sea, south of the Bay of Suez.


Anatolska planota – Ciper  - Delta Nila – Hurgada (Egipt)

Anatolska planota
Toponim Anatolija izvira iz grške besede za sončni vzhod. Ozemlje je še bolj poznano kot Mala Azija in predstavlja azijski del Turčije. Anatolska planota predstavlja stik Evrope ter Azije, ki je bila že v prazgodovini zibelka civilizacij. Izkopanine segajo že v mlajšo kameno dobo (neolitik) in tudi znamenita Troja se je razvila v Mali Aziji. Anatolijo so med drugim osvajali Hetiti, Perzijci, Kelti, Armenci, Rimljani, Kurdi, Bizantinci in Turki. Današnji prebivalci so potomci turških ljudstev, na jugovzhodu pa živi številna kurdska skupnost.

Zaradi spremembe trase je polet potekal preko Sredozemskega morja, nad Ciprom do Egipta. Ciper je tretji največji otok v Sredozemlju in danes priljubljena turistična destinacija. Otok, po površini velik za slabo polovico Slovenije, ima zelo burno zgodovino. Poseljen je bil že v kameni dobi, nato pa so ga osvajali Mikenci, Feničani, Asirci, Egipčani in Rimljani. Bil je tudi pod turško oblastjo, nazadnje pa v angleških rokah. Ciper je postal neodvisen leta 1960. Zaradi nenehnih trenj med Grki in Turki je leta 1974 prišlo do nasilne delitve otoke na južni grški del in severni turški del. Današnja Republika Ciper je tako članica Evropske unije samo s svojim južnim, grškim delom otoka, medtem ko severni del otoka zaseda Turška republika Severni Ciper, država, ki je razen Turčije ne priznava nobena druga.

Delta reke Nil
Z dolžino 4715 km velja Nil za drugo najdaljšo reko na planetu, takoj za Amazonko. Nil, katerega porečje zajema okoli 10 odstotkov Afrike, je reka dveh izvirov. Modri Nil izvira v Etiopiji, pri Kartumu pa se zlije z Belim Nilom, ki izvira iz Viktorijinega jezera v Ugandi. Reka se izliva v Sredozemsko morje, v spodnjem toku pa je ustvarila ogromno delto, ki zajema kar 240 km Sredozemske obale in je že več tisoč let osrčje egipčanske civilizacije. Glavno središče je Aleksandrija, ki je ime dobila po Aleksandru Velikem.

Mesto, ki se je razvilo iz majhne ribiške vasice, je danes druga najpomembnejša počitniška destinacija v Egiptu. Leži ob Rdečem morju, južno od Sueškega zaliva.

Photo: Troya

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