Aviation for Science

1. Stage Slovenia – Turkey completed

Matevž Lenarčič successfully completed the first stage of the new ASIA 2018 mission.

<p><strong>Photo: Bad weather</strong></p>

Flying was more difficult by worse weather in the second half of the planned route. Due to the complexity of the terrain, stronger wind and rain, the landing at Nevsehir Airport, located in the Cappadocia region, was quite tense and unpleasant. In addition, after landing at the request of the authorities, he had to put all the equipment and luggage in the airplane from the aircraft, so that the customs officers examined it. It would not be a problem at all if it was not raining heavily at that time and all the equipment was soaked and has to be dried out L He will probably not be able to continue tomorrow because of a bad weather forecast. New information coming tomorrow...


1. etapa Slovenija – Turčija zaključena

Matevž Lenarčič je uspešno opravil s prvo etapo na novi misiji GLWF AZIJA 2018.

Letenje mu je oteževalo slabše vreme v drugi polovici načrtovane poti. Zaradi zahtevnosti terena, močnejšega vetra ter dežja je bil pristanek na letališču Nevsehir, ki se nahaja v regiji Kapadokija precej napet in neprijeten. Poleg tega, je po pristanku na zahtevo oblasti moral iz letala zložiti vso opremo in prtljago, da so jo tamkajšnji cariniki pregledali. To sploh ne bi bil problem, če takrat ne bi močno deževalo in vso opremo zmočilo L. Jutri najverjetneje ne bo mogel nadaljevati leta zaradi slabe vremenske napovedi. Nadaljnje informacije sledijo jutri.

Photo: Bad weather

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