Aviation for Science

Plans for 2nd stage have changed

Due to high mountains and prognosed bad weather with icing (freezing)‎ on the route above eastern Turkey towards Teheran Matevz has decided to change the second stage from the planned one.

He is going to depart today around 07:15 UTC‎ towards south, passing Cyprus and fly to the Hurghada airport in Egypt. Second stage is 1300km long and the flight is going to last approximately around 6 hours.

Weather forecast for the heading to Egypt is nice and without expected peculiarities. We decided to fly headed to the south ‎because of being familiar with the Hurghada airport, where is possible to refuel enough fuel to fly the third stage above Saudi-Arabia to United Arab Emirates.


Načrti za drugo etapo so se spremenili

Zaradi visokih hribov in slabega vremena ter napovedanih zaledenitev na poti preko vzhodne Turčije proti Teheranu se je Matevž odločil, da bomo drugo etapo spremenili od predhodno načrtovane.

Danes bo štartal okoli 07:15 UTC in letel na jug mimo Cipra proti Egiptu, do letališča Hurghada. Dolžina druge etape je 1300 km, let bo trajal predvidoma slabih 6 ur. 

V smeri proti Egiptu je napoved vremena ugodna in ne pričakujemo posebnosti. Za nadaljevanje poti proti jugu smo se odločili, ker imamo izkušnje iz preteklih let na letališču Hurghada, kjer je možno dobiti dovolj goriva za tretjo etapo preko Saudske Arabije do Združenih Arabskih Emiratov.

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