The logistics and responsiveness of the Chinese was today really of the crucial meaning.
The logistics and responsiveness of the Chinese was today really of the crucial meaning. Due to yesterday's forced landing Matevž first had to fly to the airport, where he should land yesterday, because there has been arranged necessary fuel to fly over Mongolia. Because of the bad weather forecast has Matevž at first hesitated to continue, yet everything is connected with gained permissions and visas to fly over Mongolia that expire tomorrow, so the process of gaining them would have to be repeated. This process costs a lot of money and is long-lasting, so it is rather be avoided.
Matevž quickly decided to continue the flight. With the GLWF team he discussed the weather and the wind on the route. For the first stage of route wind has been blowing from the opposite direction, what made it 45 minutes longer. After the first half wind changed the direction and was blowing from the left side slightly from behind. Landing in dusk and poor weather conditions at the Ulan-Ude airport in Russia made a lot of concerns to Matevž and the GLWF team. But, since there was a great friend Andrey Dubrovin waiting in Russia, with whom is Matevž going to continue the flight over Russia together, motivation to fly today's strenuos stage was really on the highest level. In the next days there is forecasted bad weather, so Matevž will wait a day or two before contunuing on the flight with Andrey.
Danes je bila logistika in odzivnost Kitajcev res ključnega pomena. Zaradi včerajšnjega prisilnega pristanka je Matevž zjutraj najprej moral prileteti do letališča, kjer naj bi včeraj pristal, ker je bilo tam dogovorjeno potrebno gorivo za nadaljevanje poti preko Mongolije.
Zaradi napovedanega slabega vremena na destinaciji v Rusiji je sprva okleval, ali naj nadaljuje z letom, vendar je vse skupaj povezano tudi z dovoljenji za prelet Mongolije, ki jutri zapadejo in bi morali proces pridobivanja dovoljenj ponoviti. To pa za sabo potegne dodatne dni in denar.
Na hitro se je odločil, da bo let nadaljeval. Z ekipo GLWF se je posvetoval o vremenu ter vetru na poti. Veter je kazal za prvi del poti v nos letala, kar je podaljšalo let za cca 45 minut. Po drugi polovici leta pa se je veter obrnil in začel pihati iz levega boka nekoliko od zadaj.
Pristajanje v mraku in slabših vremenskih razmerah na letališču Ulan-Ude v Rusiji je povzročalo skrbi ekipi in Matevžu. Ker ga je v Rusiji pričakal prijatelj Andrey Dubrovin, s katerim bosta skupaj nadaljevala let preko Rusije, je bila motivacija za današnjo naporno etapo toliko večja.
V naslednjih dneh je napovedano slabo vreme, zato bo Matevž počakal kakšen dan ali dva, preden z Andreyem nadaljujeta.