Today at 22:30 UTC or 00:30 Slovene time is Matevž going to continue the flight over China towards north to the city of Zhengzhou.
Today, the flight was canceled due to a misunderstanding between civil aviation and the military in China. 80% of the Chinese airspace is controlled by the army, and since they did not receive the necessary flight information, they did not allow take-off. Throughout the day, the misunderstanding was resolved, but because the flight should last 7.5 hours, the delay was too great and there was no possibility to reach destination till sunset. Due to an unforeseen delay, Matevž had to cancel flight, despite the fact that weather forecast in Nanning tomorrow is not good. We hope that the forecasts are wrong and that he will reach central China tomorrow.
Photo: Nanning - a village with 7 million inhabitants
Danes ponoči ob 22:30 UTC oz. 00:30 po slovenskem času bo Matevž nadaljeval let po Kitajski na sever proti Zhengzhou.
Danes je bil let odpovedan zaradi nesporazuma med civilnim letalstvom in vojsko na Kitajskem. 80% kitajskega zračnega prostora kontrolira vojska, in ker niso prejeli potrebnih informacij o letu, vzleta niso dovolili. Tekom dneva se je nesporazum rešil, vendar ker bi let trajal 7,5 ure, je bila zamuda prevelika. Etapo je bilo nemogoče izpeljati do sončnega zahoda. Zaradi nepredvidene zamude je moral Matevž let odpovedati, kljub temu, da se obeta v Nanningu jutri slabše vreme. Upamo, da so napovedi napačne in da se jutri oglasi iz centralne Kitajske.
Foto: Nanning - 7 milijonska vas