Tomorrow at 01:00 UTC or 03:00 Slovene time is Matevž going to continue the flight over China towards north to the city of Zhengzhou.
Tomorrow at 01:00 UTC or 03:00 Slovene time is Matevž going to continue the flight over China towards north to the city of Zhengzhou.
The flight is 1500km long and going to last around 7 hours because of the constant wind from opposite direction. At the beginning we are expecting a lot of storms and low visibility, yet after a half of flight there will be better weather conditions. In case weather at the takeoff will get worse, Matevž will cancel the flight for tomorrow and scheduled it 24 hours later. For that reason you are kindly invited to follow us live to see first if Matevž took off or not.
Jutri ob 01:00 UTC oz. 03:00 po slovenskem času bo Matevž nadaljeval let po Kitajski na sever proti Zhengzhou.
Let je dolg 1500 km in bo zaradi napovedanega konstantnega vetra v nos, trajal okoli 7 ur. Na začetku pričakujemo precej neviht in slabe vidljivosti, po pribljižno polovici leta pa napovedi kažejo nekoliko bolj ugodne vremenske razmere. V primeru poslabšanja pogojev pri vzletu v naslednjih 5 urah, bo Matevž odpovedal let za jutri in ga prestavil za 24 ur. Zato vas vabimo, da nas spremljate v živo, da boste prvi videli, ali je vzletel ali ne.