From UAE over bay of Oman to Pakistan
Today’s stage is going to lead over bay of Oman towards the airport Jinnah in the Karachi, Pakistan. Departure is scheduled for 05:00 UTC. Length of this flight is 1300 km and it is going to take around five hours. There aren’t any weather peculiarities expected on the route, however a bit of rain is forecasted when Matevž will be landing in Pakistan. We sincerely hope weather will change until the expected time of landing.
Današnja etapa bo potekala čez Omanski zaliv vse do letališča Jinnah (Karachi) v Pakistanu. Vzlet je predviden ob 05:00 UTC. Dolžina današnje etape je 1300 km, za katero bo potreboval približno pet ur letenja. Na poti ne pričakujemo vremenskih posebnosti, nekoliko neugodno vreme z dežjem je napovedano ob pristanku v Pakistanu. Upamo, da se do predvidenega pristanka vreme spremeni na bolje.